“Blessing of the Animals”.
This annual event originated with St. Francis, who, during his ministry, on the first weekend in October, invited anyone who wished to have their animals blessed by him to bring them to the Cathedral where he was. Thousands responded and came with every sort of livestock and creature! In remembrance of this special blessing by St. Francis, this has become an annual Franciscan tradition that takes place every year behind Holy Family Catholic Church in the back parking area. This is a well-attended event in which we invite our neighboring churches. All participants, including the animals, have fun, and enjoy a wonderful and enjoyable day. For our annual guests, they receive holy medals, snacks and treats, and each animal is blessed individually!

“Meals for Recovery Houses”
Our Secular Franciscans support four recovery houses in the Annapolis area. These young men are recovering from alcohol and drug addiction and are trying to turn their lives back around in a productive manner. Our members bring hot meals to these houses once a month and share in grace and fellowship. At Thanksgiving we gather all four houses together with their families and share in a banquet of gratitude. We assist with the provision of food for new members who are just starting in their recovery journey and provide ongoing support with clothes, bedding and toiletries. There is great joy in serving these grateful and determined men!

“Food Pantry”
Together with Holy Family parishioners, St. Pope John XXIII members bring food donations of perishable items to help support the food pantry of our sister parish, Our Lady of Perpetual Help. They serve approximately thirty families weekly who are struggling with food insecurity. Several members of our fraternity transfer food from Holy Family to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pick up food from the food bank, and serve in the pantry stocking shelves, loading grocery bags and interacting with pantry clients. It is a humbling experience to serve these needy and thankful brothers and sisters!
“Winter Relief for the Homeless”
Each year, the Pope St. John XXIII Franciscan Fraternity sponsors a dinner meal with the Winter Relief Program at Holy Family Catholic Church. The team shops for the food and prepares and serves the meal for our brothers and sisters in need. There is always joy, laughter and fellowship as we share a meal together. There are usually about twenty-five men and women who spend a week in Unity Hall at Holy Family Catholic Church. Our members also assist with evening activities, baking goods, transporting clients to work, washing sheets and towels, preparing lunches, serving as volunteers at night and spending time with members. It is an honor and a privilege to serve our neighbors in need!
“Lenten Soup and Bread”
The Pope St. John XXIII Fraternity sponsors soup and bread during Lent. A simple meal of bread, soup and water is prepared and served to approximately one hundred parishioners of Holy Family Catholic Church in Unity Hall. The goal is to share a small meal on Fridays in Lent. After the meal, members proceed to the Church where Stations of the Cross are prayed. We remember Jesus’ passion and death on the cross through prayer, reflections, and songs!
“Franciscan Wine and Cheese Fellowship”
Our Secular Franciscans support fellowship of Holy Family Catholic Church parishioners by serving wine and cheese after the 5PM Mass several time per year. Approximately one hundred parishioners gather for snacks and drinks. The purpose of the event is to promote harmony and dialogue among parishioners. The Secular Franciscans are also able to talk with members about our rich history and experiences of living in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi!