In that love which is God, I entreat all my friars, ministers, and subjects, to put away every attachment, all care and solicitude and serve, love and honor and adore our Lord and God with a pure heart and mind.
St. Francis of Assisi
Pope St. John XXIII Fraternity members serve in the following individual apostolate/ministries:
Liturgy and Parish Ministries
Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors/Sacristans
Eucharistic Adoration
Teachers of Religious Education
Members of Liturgy Committee that Helps to Decorate Churches
Preparation of Altar Cloths for Liturgies
Serve as Choir Members
Parish Council Member
Actively Supports Parish Activities – Wine and Cheese/Donuts after Mases
and Lenten Soup and Bread
Members of Spiritual Life Activities at Churches – Bible Studies and Women’s and Men’s Groups
Facilitates Holy Hour Worship
Family Ministries
Dedicated Husbands and Wives
Devout Fathers and Mothers
Care of Elder Compromised Parents
Care and Safekeeping of Grandchildren
Homeschools Children
Advocates for the Elderly
Assists as Childcare Aide During Masses
Outreach Ministries
Safeguarding of Animals
Gabriel Network – Support of Moms who Choose Life
Prayer Shawls – Support to those with Chronic Illnesses or Families who have Lost Loved Ones
Sewing Ministries (Quilts, Bibs for Baptisms, Blankets, Walker Storage Holders)
Constructs Crown Rosaries
Prayer Warriors – Pray for Intentions that they Receive
Weekly E-Mail Spiritual Reflections
Letters to the Elderly who are in Facilities.
Care for Environment – Build Birdhouses and Clear Brush
Provide Dinners to Individuals who are Recovering from Addictions
Feed the Hungry through Support of Food Pantries
Volunteers with Breakfast Club which Provides Breakfast Meals, Books and Weekend Food to Children During Summer Months
Volunteers for Lazarus Committee that Prepare and Provide Meals for Grieving Families and Friends
Works with Homeless Shelter
Church Library Assistant
Volunteers in Winter Relief for the Homeless
Craft Wooden Bowls to Support Franciscan Ministries Abroud
Volunteers with St. Vincent DePaul Society
Support Athletic Activities with Challenged Athletes
Support St. Margaret of Cortona Region – Secretary Appointment
Visit and Provide Eucharist to Homebound Parish and Fraternity Members
Volunteer at Hospital Neonatal Intensive Unit
Card Ministry for Fraternity Members
Prison Ministries
Participate in Zoom Liturgy of the Hours Evening Prayer
Serve as Servant Leaders of Pope St. John XXIII Council
Lead Recitation of Rosary Prior to 5PM Mass and During Wednesday Confessions
Supports Maryland Catholic Organization During Legislative Sessions